
They’re damn serious. Fridays for Future in Berlin

Where, I ask myself, has the sentence actually gone: "Our children are our future"? Just an advertising slogan of the German solidarity principle? As we continue to talk instead of acting, I hardly believe that our children without a future will fill the pension coffers for us so that we can make ourselves really comfortable after all the exhausting consumption. Report by Sibylle Trost, Berlin. #smartphonevideoberlin #sibylletrostmedia
Mit Smartphone und Laptop Filme machen

Wow-shot or white balance? 7 reasons to join a smartphone video workshop

TV studio in your pocket, but no ideo how to use it? Still dreaming about your own social media clips, a product video for your site or just a creative business-portrait? Professionals want to teach you all you need to know in one day. 7 reasons to join a smartphone video workshop.

Smartphone Video Class and Coaching Berlin

Create professional videos for website and social media with your smartphone: it works! In 2019 we will be offering courses again, but also one-to-one and two-to-one coaching. The experienced media lecturer and TV journalist Sibylle Trost works with various apps for iPhone and Android Phone. With theory input and lots of practical training for success: your own video - for website and social media.