90 minutes Media Talk: Visual Storytelling


90 minutes to sharpen your storytelling skills. What are important elements if you want to tell a story in a 60 seconds video? German journalist and filmmaker Sibylle Trost will give insights into visual storytelling world of documentaries on TV and social media. After the introduction and lecture from Sibylle Trost, Phuong Hoang – a photographer and climate leader – will share her knowledge of the latest Climate Leadership Summit in Los Angeles and 5 tips to get closer to our ecological vision: save the planet. There is also a screening of Sibylles´ report “Return of the Biospherians”, featuring 8 scientists living in Biosphere 2, the legendary dome of glass in Oracle, Arizona in the Nineties. The experiment took place two years and raised the question: is it possible to copy planet earth?
Join our meeting by accreditation only at Insights Media Tours, Berlin.