How much digitization can medicine tolerate?

Big data, mobile health, artificial intelligence and robotics are changing the medicine of the future ever faster. Will people set limits to digitalization?

Will people set limits to digitalization?

“The enormous digitization in medicine must not become an end in itself,” warns Professor Guido Gerken from Essen, a leading expert in gastroenterology in Germany. The technical revolution demands a reorientation of medical competences!

The physician of the future: technology expert and holistic physician?

How should the doctors of the future be trained? What is expected of them? A desired image: doctors as technical experts who are not only “machine operators”, but empathic doctors with the claim of an individual, personalized, holistic medicine, who recognize the human being behind the clinical picture!How much digitalization can medicine tolerate?

Nursing robots, AI assistants, medication computers – who assures that this will remain for the benefit of the patient? Can technology development and the basic ethos of the medical profession be reconciled? The social debate is open. Let us leave the decision on the future of medicine not to artificial intelligence, but to natural intelligence.
A statement by Professor Guido Gerken, Gastroenterology. Velbert/ Essen, 2019.
Text: Sibylle Trost, Berlin,

Smartphone Video Production

Smartphone video by Sibylle Trost, Berlin

Text, camera, editing by Sibylle Trost, Berlin, 2019,
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